歡迎共襄盛舉報名參與第5屆亞洲生醫材料學術研討會(The 5th Asian Biomaterial Congress, ABMC5)

第5屆亞洲生醫材料學術研討會(The 5th Asian Biomaterial Congress, ABMC5),將於2015年5月6日至9日於臺北劍潭青年活動中心舉行。ABMC為每兩年舉辦一次的研討會,提供學者、醫師以及業界在生醫材料與醫學器材學術研究和相關產業的相互交流,為一極具重要性的國際性研討會。此次研討會的國內報名費請參見如下,網站註冊功能已開放,欲報名者請上ABMC5網頁註冊,謝謝!
*Registration fee for regular participants will include program book, abstract CD, reception on May 6th, banquet on May 8th, lunches on May 7th and 8th, and coffee breaks.
*Registration fee for students and postdocs will include program book, abstract CD, reception on May 6th, lunches on May 7th and 8th, and coffee breaks (does not include the dinner on May 7th and banquet on May 8th). *Student and postdoc participants should attach the copy of student ID or certificate of postdocship when registrating online.